So I have some beef with Facebook and Twitter. Since the invention of theses social networking cites, people all of the sudden believe that everyone else cares so much that they are doing their laundry or are sleeping. Now my beef isn't necesarily with peoples daily habits but rather with peoples daily opinions that they feel they must post. In particular, last Saturday after the loss to FSU several so called BYU "fans" (more like fair-weather-fans) posted their thoughts on the BYU loss. Among the posts I found comments like, "I am glad that BYU was humbled" or "I am finding a new team". Really?!!! Are they serious?!!! I don't know of any other team in the country that has so called fans that would want their team to be humbled. What is that all about?
I love also how celebrities twitter all the time and it becomes headline news! Who cares what T.O. thinks about Mariah Carey! I just think that publically posting your daily routine and random thoughts brings out a lot of the stupid in Americans.
Now you might think this post ironic becuase it is on a social networking cite. I think that Blogs are a little bit better because the people that actually write them spend time doing a little thing called thinking which seems to be absent amongst avid twitter-ers and facebook-ers.

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